Keep Minors Safe & Accountable

Parents are notified when their child’s Drivers License is queried

We built the Parent Guardian Notification to allow parents of driving age dependents to create a

A Subject Packet is a virtual index card that is created by a user and instantly accessible by other LENSS users everywhere. If a subject packet is searched and there is a hit, the creating officer is sent a notification within 3 - 9 seconds with contact information of the officer that ran the query.

Value: Information that was once siloed in the records of one agency is now automatically and immediately shared with other agencies with no jurisdictional boundaries. LENSS makes sharing Intel simple, fast, and affordable.

subject packet
on their child. If their child’s drivers license is queried by Law Enforcement the parent will get a text, phone call or email notification.

Parents and Law Enforcement collaborate to keep Teens safe

The Parent Guardian Notification keeps parents aware of their child’s activities and helps identify problem behavior early. It also fosters a collaborative team between Law Enforcement and the public.

LENSS alerts emergency responders to your child’s medical conditions

The Parent Guardian Notification allows parents to alert emergency responders to their child’s medical conditions. You can make note of allergies, diabetes, seizures or any other medical conditions that would be important in an Emergency.
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